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Basic Concepts

"It is the undefined-behavior we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more."


mitama::quantity_t is a class template that is represents dimensional quantity. quantity_t has units as a phantom type. It can handle rational exponents like as a unit.

In the following are the explanations of the detailed definitions, their techniques, and metaprogramming, but if you are not interested, please proceed to the next page.

Representation of Unit

Basic unit of a dimension with exponent and scale is represented as a pair of exponent and scale :

for example,

This corresponds to units_t in Mitama.Dimensional.

Representation of Derived Unit

Let is a set of basic dimensions of Derived Unit, derived units is represented as a sets of Unit over :

for example,

This corresponds to dimensional_t in Mitama.Dimensional.

Type System of Quantity

Dimensional quantity is designed as quantity_t, which is a class that represents a dimensional quantity based on ValueType that is distinguished by a phantom type dimensional_t<Units...>:

template < template <class> class Synonym, class ValueType, class... Units >
class quantity_t<Synonym<dimensional_t<Units...>>, ValueType>

Synonym is a phantom template template for aliasing.

And each type of Units... is designed as units_t:

template < class BaseDimension, // base dimension tag class
           class Exponent,      // std::ratio
           class Scale          // std::ratio
class units_t<BaseDimension, Exponent, Scale>

Tracking units and conversion factors in types

When value has derived unit , let that be denoted as:


means it is automatically converted to a high precision factor.

// `a` = 1 mm
quantity_t<millimetre_t> a = 1;
// `b`  = 1 m
quantity_t<metre_t> b = 1;

// a + b will be millimetre
a + b; // 1001 mm

It is automatically converted to a high precision factor, too.



Algorithm of dimension inducing


First, let

And we consider simple dual loop:

  1. Pick a unit_t A from left.
  2. If there is a right for B with the same dimensions as A, push If there is a right for B with the same dimensions as A, push to result and pop A and remove B from right, else push A to result and pop A.
  3. If left does not empty, return to 1, else push the rest of right to result

Start with:

Pick , and not found B. Then, we push to result and pop from left.

Pick , found . Then, we push to result, pop from left, and pop from right.

Now, left is empty. So we push the rest units of right to result.

Finally, we get the result

-- end example

Dive into type-level programing

1st step: Implementing in runtime

When you do type-level programming, do you suddenly declare classes? It's a good idea to start by identifying what you need for type-level programming through runtime programming. Well, I usually declare classes suddenly.

Here is the runtime code that derives the result of the unit multiplication described in the example above:


// This file is a "Hello, world!" in C++ language by Clang for wandbox.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <boost/rational.hpp>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
enum class Dim {

bool operator==(Dim a, Dim b) {
    return static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Dim>>(a)
        == static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Dim>>(b);

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Dim b) {
    switch (b) {
        case Dim::time:
            return os << "time";
        case Dim::mass:
            return os << "mass";
        case Dim::length:
            return os << "length";
            return os;

using rational = boost::rational<std::intmax_t>;

using U = std::pair<const Dim, std::pair<rational, rational>>;
using derived_unit = std::unordered_map<Dim, std::pair<rational, rational>>;

int main()
    auto reduce = [](Dim d,
                  std::pair<rational, rational> left,
                  std::pair<rational,rational> right){
        using std::min;
        return U{ d, {left.first + right.first,
                      min(left.second, right.second)}};

    auto implies = [=](derived_unit left, derived_unit right){
        derived_unit result{};
        for (auto const& A : left) {
                for (auto const& B : right) {
                    if (A.first == B.first) {
                result.emplace_hint(result.end(), A);
        for (auto const& e: right) result.insert(e);
        return result;
    using std::pair;

    derived_unit left = {
        { Dim::length, { rational(2), rational(1) } },
        { Dim::time, { rational(-1), rational(1) } },
    derived_unit right = {
        { Dim::mass, { rational(1), rational(1) } },
        { Dim::time, { rational(-1), rational(1) } },

    auto res = implies(left, right);
    for (auto const& e: res) {
            << boost::format("(%1%, %2%)_%3% ")
                % e.second.first
                % e.second.second
                % e.first;

2nd step: Identifying the components required for type-level programming

Component list for type-level programming

  • set of basic dimensions
enum class Dim {

The type itself is already a set.

=> define class and tag type member

class Length {
    using is_dimension = void;

  • operator== for basic dimensions
bool operator==(Dim a, Dim b) {
    return static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Dim>>(a) == static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Dim>>(b);

=> a meta-function std::is_same

  • type-level rational
using rational = boost::rational<std::intmax_t>;

=> std::ratio

  • A type that can be expressed in one dimension of derived units
using U = std::pair<const Dim, std::pair<rational, rational>>;

=> define class units_t

template < class BaseDimension, // base dimension tag class
           class Exponent,      // std::ratio
           class Scale          // std::ratio
class units_t<BaseDimension, Exponent, Scale>

  • derived units representable type
using derived_unit = std::unordered_map<Dim, std::pair<rational, rational>>;

unordered_map<Key, Value> is a sequence of std::pair<const Key, Value>. So we need a sequence of units_t. We can use variadic templates.

=> a class templates

template <class... UnitsT>
struct dimensional_t

  • helper function reduce
auto reduce = [](Dim d, std::pair<rational, rational> left, std::pair<rational,rational> right){
    using std::min;
    return U{ d, {left.first + right.first, min(left.second, right.second)} };

=> meta-function

template <class D, class Exp1, class Exp2, class S1, class S2>
struct reduce<units_t<D, Exp1, S1>, units_t<D, Exp2, S2>> {
  using type = std::conditional_t<
      std::ratio_equal_v<std::ratio_add<Exp1, Exp2>, std::ratio<0>>,
      dimensionless<dimension_tag<D, ratio_max<Exp1, Exp2>>>,
      units_t<D, std::ratio_add<Exp1, Exp2>, ratio_min<S1, S2>>>;

  • main loop

Put spirit into recursive class template instantiation.

template <class...> struct type_list {};

template <class, class, class, class = void> struct quotient_;

template <class SP, class Head, class... Tail, class... Remainders>
struct quotient_<SP, type_list<Head, Tail...>,
    : std::conditional_t<std::is_same_v<typename SP::dimension_type,
                                        typename Head::dimension_type>,
                         quotient_<SP, type_list<>,
                                  type_list<Remainders..., Tail...>,
                                  typename reduce<SP, Head>::type>,
                         quotient_<SP, type_list<Tail...>,
                                  type_list<Remainders..., Head>>> {};

template <class SP, class Inter, class... Tail, class... Remainders>
struct quotient_<SP, type_list<Tail...>, type_list<Remainders...>,
                Inter> {
  using result = type_list<Inter>;
  using remainder = type_list<Tail..., Remainders...>;

template <class SP, class... Remainders>
struct quotient_<SP, type_list<>, type_list<Remainders...>> {
  using result = type_list<SP>;
  using remainder = type_list<Remainders...>;

template <class, class, class> struct quotient_impl;

template <class Head, class... Tail, class... R, class... Results>
struct quotient_impl<type_list<Head, Tail...>, type_list<R...>, type_list<Results...>>
    : quotient_impl<type_list<Tail...>,
                    typename quotient_<Head, type_list<R...>,
                        typename quotient_<Head, type_list<R...>,
                                           type_list<>>::result>> {};

template <class... R, class... Results>
struct quotient_impl<type_list<>, type_list<R...>, type_list<Results...>> {
  using result_type = dimensional_t<Results..., R...>;

// quotient facade
// Quotient = Dim -> Dim -> Dim
template <class, class> struct quotient;

template <class... LeftPhantomTypes,
          class... RightPhantomTypes>
struct quotient<dimensional_t<LeftPhantomTypes...>,
                dimensional_t<RightPhantomTypes...>> {
  using type = 
      typename mitamagic::quotient_impl<


  • It's a good idea to start by identifying what you need for type-level programming through runtime programming.
  • By using phantom-type idiom, we can distinguish one type in various ways.
  • C++ doesn't have a convenient language extension like Haskell, so we try hard at doing linear searches by relying on types.
  • By using variadic templates, we can handle any dimension as long as the template recursion allows.